Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis
Ayurveda is aimed at correcting a person's body, mind, and soul. This practice started in India 3,000 years ago. In this, an ancient medical practice of Ayurveda it is possible to treat psoriasis. This includes a special diet, herbal compounds, herbal packs and ayurvedic medicines.
Ayurvedic medicines include treatments that have been used to treat psoriasis. Psoriasis is a condition in which skin cells increase excessively and rapidly and something like plaques is deposited in the skin.
Ayurveda and psoriasis
One of the most common topical preparations practice for the treatment of psoriasis in Ayurvedic medicine is turmeric.
It is a compound that is obtained from a root which is similar to ginger.Often used in cooking, turmeric can also be mixed in a paste which can be applied to the skin.Along with turmeric, many other Ayurvedic herbs are available for the treatment of psoriasis.In areas of skin affected by psoriasis, fresh banana leaves are also applied for the treatment with the proper procedure.
Additional Ayurvedic herbs that are used for the treatment of psoriasis include:
[Some juicy pieces of aloe vera]
• Neem
• Black nightshade
• Guggal
• Boswellia (frankincense)
• Jasmine flower paste
• Aloe vera
• Garlic
Ayurvedic physicians classify psoriasis as "Kushtha" health status. This means that the condition is an old one, which is also "Krupchadhyay" (impractical) and "Adhyayan" (Ill).
According to Ayurveda, due to the “Vata" and "Kapha", imbalance the two "Doshas" (energy fields) produce psoriasis. The part is responsible for controlling physical functions and may cause dryness and skin scaling associated with psoriasis. Kapha is responsible for the development of the body, and itching can be the cause of skin cell business, which is known for psoriasis.
Energy imbalance causes a person to create toxic substances in the system, causing swelling. so Ayurveda treatment is not only emphasized for applications but also improves diet and lifestyle.
Ayurveda has many types of herbs used to treat inflammation under the supervision of an experienced doctor.