100 Hours Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, Kerala, India
Boost your Energy and Health with Ayurveda and Yoga!
Yoga and Ayurveda are two mutual branches of Vedic knowledge of the same glorious tree. On this detail, it is important to understand the related roles of Ayurveda and yoga in the Vedic system.
Ayur means vital energy and Veda means science.
This is the process in which all the tension and toxins remove from your body and improve your health conditions. And what's more! if you have a great destination of your choice.
So, book your spot for 100 Hours Ayur Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh at World Health Ayurveda!
Utilize your time in correct direction and change your life at the right time!
People from all over the world from thousands of kilometers come to learn yoga in Rishikesh as yoga flows in the veins of Indians and Rishikesh designate with ''The World Capital of Yoga'' so you are welcome to learn about breathing, posture, chanting and nutrition from experts in all types of yoga.
Learn Yoga with the Ayurvedic routine is certainly blissful as it rejuvenates the body, improves digestion and removes stress!
We promise to make these 14 days of Ayur Yoga TTC in Rishikesh, the memorable one for you! You'll get to learn more & more about Ayurveda & Yoga together during these 100 Hours and while providing you with immense knowledge, it will also benefit you with a fine health and utmost happiness.
So, don't wait further and visit World Health Ayurveda in Rishikesh to accomplish yourself with an Ayurveda and proceed for the privilege we offer!
“Here, you will get an opportunity to join our 100 hour Ayurveda Yoga Course to learn Ayurveda and Yoga together to indulge a balance of Yoga practice and Ayurvedic diet for the maximum benefit.”
100 Hrs Ayur Yoga TTC< Course Dates 2019
Dates | Events | Price (USD) | Enrolment |
02 /07/ 2019 - 14 /07/ 2019 | Yoga Alliance USA Certification | $999 (Private room) | Completed |
02 /08/ 2019 - 14 /08/ 2019 | Yoga Alliance USA Certification | $999 (Private room) | Apply Now |
02 /09/ 2019 - 14 /09/ 2019 | Yoga Alliance USA Certification | $999 (Private room) | Apply Now |
02 /10/ 2019 - 14 /10/ 2019 | Yoga Alliance USA Certification | $999 (Private room) | Apply Now |
02 /11/ 2019 - 14 /11/ 2019 | Yoga Alliance USA Certification | $999 (Private room) | Apply Now |
02 /12/ 2019 - 14 /12/ 2019 | Yoga Alliance USA Certification | $999 (Private room) | Apply Now |
100-Hours Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program: Complete Curriculum
Holistic Asana:
- PavanMuktasana (Joints movements Exercises- Pre Yoga Poses)
- Pawanmuktasana series 1
- Pawanmuktasanaserie 2
- Pawanmuktasana series 3
Warm Up Yoga Salutation (Preparation to Hatha)
- Sun salutation (Meditative and Vinyasa)
- Moon Salutation (Meditative and Vinyasa)
Standing pose | Sitting pose | Kneeling pose | Forward bending asana |
Backwordbening asana | Twisting asana | Fire series asana | Tadasana (palm tree pose) |
Triyaktadasana (swaying palm tree pose) | Trikonasana (triangle pose) | Parivirtatrikon asana – revolving triangle pose | Uttkatasana –chair pose |
Virbhdrasana 1 -warrior 1 | Virbhdrasana 2 -warrior 2 | Virbhdrasana 3 -warrior 3 | ArdhaChandrasana- Half moon pose |
Vriksasana – tree pose | Parvatasana – mountain pose | Adhomukhasvanasana – downward facing dog | Kati chakrasana – waist rotating pose |
Malasana – squatted yoga pose | Garudasana – eagle pose | BaddhaKonasana- bound angle pose | Rajkapoot asana – pegion pose |
Bhujanghasana – cobra pose | Urdhvamukhasvanasana –upward facing dog | Matsyasana- fish pose | SetuBhandasana– bridge pose |
Utrasana– camel pose | Dhanurasana– bow pose | Salabhasana– locust pose | SuptaVirasana- reclining hero pose |
Virasana –hero p | Vajrasana –thunderbolt | Gomukhasana– cow face pose | Balasana– child’s pose |
What is Prana and Pranayama? | How Prana flows in the body? | Types of major and sub prana | Pranayama and life span |
Prana healing | Know how to breath correctly | Diaphragmatic breathing and qualities of breath | Anatomy of pranayama |
KapalBhati Pranayama Level I | Bhastrika Pranayama Level I | Bhramari Pranayama Level I | Sitli and Sitkari Pranayama without rentention |
Bhastrika Pranayama Level I | Bhramari Pranayama Level I | Sitli and Sitkari Pranayama without rentention | Yogic breathing Level I with sitting and supine position |
Nadisodhanam Pranayama 1 techniques |
Ayurvedic perspective of Human Existence | Prakrati and its Analysis | Tri-dosha | Panchamahabhuta (theory of five elements) |
Prakrti | Ayurveda diet |
What is meditation and what it is not | Major meditation Tradition | How to sit in meditation | How to breathe in meditation |
Prana healing | How to relax in meditation | How to focus In meditation | So-ham meditation |
Nadabrahma meditation | Mantra Meditation |
Yoga Nidra relaxation
Mastering Sleep through Yoga nidra | Mastering Death through Yoga nidra | Complete relaxation practice | Point to point Yoga Nidra |
Bandha (Energy Lock)
What is Energy block? | Reasons of blocking the energy and chakras | Three majors energy blocks | Mulabandhas (Root lock) Level I |
Prana healing | Uddiyanabandha (Abdominal lock) Level I | Jalandhar Bandha (Throat Lock) Level I | MahaBandha( Great Lock) Level I |
Mudras (Yogic Gesture)
What is Mudra and its necessity in yoga | Mudras- The energy channelizer | Jnana Mudra | Chin mudra |
Prana healing | Bhairava mudra | Vishnu/pranayama mudra |
Yoga Philosophy:
Yoga Tradition and History of yoga | The Classical Texts of Yoga Tradition | Yoga Sutra of Patanjali – Raja Yoga | BhagavatGeeta – Lord Krishna |
Prana healing | What is ashtangayoga | Mind and its functions | Chakras and Kundalini in Yoga |
Hinduism – a way of living not a religion |
Alignment and adjustment of yoga poses
Understaning the balance and imbalance of the body | Alignment an art to be free from injuries in yoga | Helping the energy flow correctly in the nadis | Adjusting pose is a part of yoga therapy |
Prana healing | Applying in all exercises |
Mantra Chanting
Mantra What and Why | Origin of Mantras and The Vedas | 4 kinds of Speech | Gayatri Mantra- oṃbhūrbhuvaḥsvaḥ |
Prana healing | Shiva Mantra- omnamahshivaya | Guru Mantra- Gurur brahma | Healing Mantras- omtriyambakam |
Yoga Anatomy
Understanding skeletal system for joints moventment | Function of Muscular system in yoga | Respiratory system and Pranayama | Spiritual Anatomy |
Posture anatomy | Applying in all exercises |
Yoga therapy
Foundation of Yoga Therapy | Importance of Yoga therapy | Treatment of different kinds of diseases through yoga therapy | Alternative medicine is the boon for health |
Origin, history and development of Yoga Chikitsa | Yogic perspective of human existence | Health, disease and Four Fold Strategy of Yoga Therapy | Yoga Therapy and Amiable Disorders |
Diagnostic Tools in Yoga Therapy | Yogic Diet | Shatkarma and their Therapeutic Benefits | Asana and their therapeutic application |
Core teaching methodology:
• The role of the teacher in the class• Sequencing a yoga class and incorporating asana, meditation and pranayama Anatomy and physiology
• Yoga Philosophy
• Alignment and adjustments
• Pranayama and Shatkarma
• Hatha and Ashtanga Asana
• Ayurveda and its integration with a yogic lifestyle
• Meditation and yoga nidra
• Holistic Yoga Therapy
Ayurvedic Massage – methodology and practical application. How to set up for a massage, asses a client’s massage needs and requirements, the contraindications and benefits of Ayurveda massage, how to perform an Ayurveda massage correctly and professionally, aftercare advice and how to advice for follow-up appointments.
Oil for massage – which oils to use to balance and purify each dosha and the application of oil.
Points for healing massage – pressure points/marma points – how to use these safely and effectively to administer the best possible massage experience for the client to enable healing and overall health/wellbeing
By the end of the course you will feel ready to be assessed, the teachers will help you with this.
You will be assessed via;A written test
An oral test
An overview of your attendance, behaviour and performance
And a practical exam.
100 Hrs Ayur Yoga TTC Course Schedule
Timing | Work |
5:45 AM | Wake Up |
6:00 AM | Herbal Tea |
6:15 AM - 6:30 AM | Shatkarma |
6:30 AM - 7:00 AM | Pranayama |
7:00 AM - 8:45 AM | Yoga Asanas Class |
9:00 AM | Breakfast |
9:30 AM- 10:30 AM | Yoga Anatomy & Physiology |
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM | Meditation & Mantra Chanting |
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM | Lunch |
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Self Study |
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Yoga Philosophy |
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM | Yoga Asana Teaching Methodology, Alignment & Correction class |
7:00 PM - 7:30 PM | Dinner |
10:00 PM | Gates Closed & Lights off |